Clouds of Sadness


During the year 1995, Éric Heuschen (grunt and cries), Alex. Simar (guitar player - keyboard player) and Benji. Simar (guitar player) began to play two covers then decided to form a band. They rehearse at Verviers.

Later, the band having two different musical direction (Thrash/Death Metal when Alex. is on the guitar and Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal when Alex. is on the keyboard), they decide to split in two entity: Lipuria (with Alex. on the guitare) and Clouds of Sadness (with Alex. at the keyboard).

In November 1996, a bass player, Ludi. Haeck integrated Clouds of Sadness.

In June 1997, CannaBrice, a drummer, integrated Clouds of Sadness. So, the band change their rehearsal local to go to Andrimont.

In October of the same year, Clouds of Sadness record the songs “Tears of the Wind”, “Alone in Heaven”, “Vampire” and “Profound Encounter” (with the Thrash/Death Metal version of Vampire as ghost track) for their first demo that has been named: “Tears Of The Wind” and that has been recorded by Alexandre Geromboux and Sébastien Reynders.

During this recording, Gaëtane de Fays accept to put some whisper in Alone in Heaven, that's how she entered in the band as a female signer.

Clouds of Sadness made its first gig in May 10th 1998 at the Spirit Of 66.

In June of the same year, after having intagrated the band Svartkrist, Éric decided to leave Clouds of Sadness (as the band called Lipuria who's composed from all the Clouds of Sadness' members but Gaëtane) prefering only to devote himself to his new band.

Clouds of Sadness made its second gig at the Carlo Levi in August 8th 1998 opening for Eidôlon. To respect its engagements, Éric thus made his second and last gig with Clouds of Sadness.

The next month, Alex. Simar asked to Gloom to become the new Clouds of Sadness signer; thinking about becomming a member of the band Krynn, he answer that he'll think about it.

The fourteenth of November, after almost two months of hesitations, finaly sure not wanting anymore to be a member of Krynn, Gloom made an audition for Clouds of Sadness and integrates the band as a signer.

Two week later, Véronique Vassago, a manager interested by the band that proposed her services, assisted on a rehearsal after witch, the band discusted with her and agreed to the fact that she'll be Clouds of Sadness' manager.

Soon after, Gloom also became the second guitar player of Clouds of Sadness.

The next month, Vassago hurry them to record a promotional demo in the aim to have a CD-R refleting the Clouds of Sadness from then that realy changed since their first demo, she would thus canvass the record label and the gig's halls.

The band thus record during the month of January 1999 the songs Alone In Heaven, Vampire, “Black Death's Coldness” and “The Shadow Of The Crow” at the Digitrax studio with Patrice Mergelsberg recording them for their promotional demo entitled: “Through Past And Present…”, Gloom made the jacket and the logo's typography that drawing has been done by Chantal Meyer.

Clouds of Sadness made its third gig in February 6th 1999 in a fancy-fair of the SFX 1's school in Verviers, with Yadoo headlining and with Hurricane and Scary Face opening for them.

From February to June, Gloom use to despite, among other, a lot of time to write a concept album for the band that would be entitled: “333 Years Ago…” and that would have been accompanied with a book telling the story of the characters that dialogue along this album.

The May 14th of May of the same year, the band made an interview on the LucieFer broadcast from Radio Campus (the ULB's campus' radio).

Gaëtane left Clouds of Sadness in August 15th.

In October, the band made print 100 exemplary of their 333 Years Ago… T-shirt.

Around the end of this month, Diane Teuwen (signer) integrates Clouds of Sadness.

Afterwards, Gloom find a settlement with Marc Louon from Redrum 4 that would have allowed the band to record a promotional demo containing most of the future album's song freely, witch would have allowed to concretise some very serious contacts with the record label Napalm Records obtained thanks to the Clouds of Sadness' manager. Gloom begin to record, but, the other band's members sulked this recording…

December 5th, following that story, Clouds of Sadness and Gloom part in good terms. Consequently, the recording with Marc stayed where it was.

Following this separation, Alex. became signer keyboard player.

A bit after, Vassago decided not to manage them anymore.

During the month of June 2000, Clouds of Sadness made a forth gig.

At the end of the following month, CannaBrice has been dismissed of Clouds of Sadness, he has been replaced by Jean-Michel Stass. and the band's rehearsal local changed.

Clouds of Sadness made a fifth gig in August 14th 2000 at the Spirit Of 66 opening for Guernika.

During the year 2001, Clouds of Sadness use to split.